Strategic Bitcoin Mining Alliance

Would you like to know more about the Strategic Bitcoin Mining Alliance (SBMA)?

Let’s Talk!
Contact David Valin
Chairman / CEO at:

Strategic Bitcoin Mining Alliance Professionals

Utilizing out of the box, lateral thinking, and what if scenarios created from well tested high level engineers, scientists and software developers to create life saving products, while increasing the securing and aggregating of large quantities of Bitcoins utilizing Advanced Mining Practices…

For the Good of the People

An Alliance created using a Bitcoin Mining engineering and strategy combined with Solar Panel Boost Inc. Energy Poverty Life Sustaining solutions technology for the purpose of developing useful aggressively tested products for the Good of People… While creating profit for the Alliance... Currently, 1.2 Billion People live in Energy Poverty...

Mission Statement

The Mission of Strategic Bitcoin Mining Alliance is to Mine Bitcoin for Maximum Profitability, and at the same time develop global good related to creating affordable solutions for people involving Climate Change, Starvation, Clean Drinking Water, and Energy Poverty.

We have 4 functions to achieve the objectives of this mission:

1. Mine the Most Bitcoin in the Shortest Amount of Time.
2. Manage the Bitcoin Mined by SBMA for Maximum Trading Advantage and Best Profits.
3. Hyper Development of Alternative Energy Mining Systems, ASIC Boards and Mining Rigs.
4. Hyper Development of Global Good Affordable Food, Water, Housing,
 Heating Cooking and Cooling Technology.

“The More Bitcoin We Mine the More Global Good We Can Do”

Mining Bitcoin for the Welfare of People

Creating new innovative useful technology products for increasing Bitcoin Mining profitability, and the continuing development high technology, to make life better for all people…

The Bitcoin network is much more powerful than supercomputers

Bitcoin networks has a computing power of 2,046,364 Pflop/s, If you go ahead and combine the computing power of the 500 most powerful supercomputers, you’ll get a combined fever of 274 Pflop/s...

Bitcoin is the leading form of cryptocurrency in the world

With more users than any other digital currency, bitcoin is the most common form of cryptocurrency in the world. It is also accepted by a multitude of platforms in many different countries...

The number of Bitcoins in existence will never exceed 21 million

After all, coins are mined; the number will be approximately 21 million. According to trusted sources, as of July 17 2016, the number of coins in existence was slightly more than 15.7 million...

Bitcoin is accepted by the world’s leading tech giants

Microsoft began accepting payment for its products and services through bitcoins...

2017 is the year that Bitcoin hit a record high.

Bitcoin went to $19,304.94 per each Bitcoin, and Futures exchanges have accepted Bitcoin for trading in the last quarter of 2017.

The end of Bitcoin mining

The end of the “mining” is inevitable since there is only a limited number of Bitcoins. Therefore, the actual end of “mining” will be when the last Bitcoin is mined. When there are no Bitcoins left, there will be no need for miners. It is estimated that the 2140 year will be the year when the last Bitcoin is mined...

Bitcoin mining is the process of adding transaction records...

Bitcoin mining is the process of adding transaction records to Bitcoin's public ledger of past transactions or blockchain. This ledger of past transactions is called the block chain as it is a chain of blocks. The block chain serves to confirm transactions to the rest of the network as having taken place...

64% of Bitcoins have never been used and might never be used

Bitcoin value has multiplied 879,999 times from 2010 to 2017...

A person by the name Nakowa won 11,000 Bitcoins worth $1.3M back in 2013 (worth over $47M today) on a gambling site

Chinese mining pools control more than 70% of the Bitcoin network’s collective hashrate (the speed at which a computer is completing an operation in the Bitcoin code)...

Bitcoin Value is Climbing and Volatile

In May 2010, 10,000 Bitcoins would get you two Pizzas. In May 2017, 1 Bitcoin was worth 20 million Pizzas.

A new block of coins is “solved” every ten minutes which leads to about 6 new discoveries of Bitcoins per hour.

Unlike conventional currency, Bitcoins are based on mathematics and are decentralized...

By July 2017, 16.4 million Bitcoins were in circulation.

The 4000th Bitcoin worth $3 million was donated to Wikileaks in December 2016...

17 million Bitcoins are expected to be in use in 10 years

Bitcoin has surged up 162% in 2017 only. Roger Ver (52 million Bitcoins), Charlie Shrem (45 million Bitcoins) and Dave Carlson (35 million Bitcoins) are some of the Bitcoin millionaires today.